Amplify your investment bank channels with our M&A research database
Solutions for Private Equity Investors
Improve your outreach to the long-tail of investment banks and intermediaries with Private Equity Info’s targeted M&A data.

Deal Sourcing
Connect with investment banks and intermediaries to find new deals
Build lists of investment banks and intermediaries, whether you’re sourcing deal flow or want to better understand the players in an industry.

Deal Sourcing
Identify deal flow in your target industries
See recent investment bank transactions and development relationships with bankers that close deals in your industries of interest.

Continuously updated and accurate investment bank data, direct to your CRM
Accelerate your investment banking deal channel with a Private Equity Info data license. Import up-to-date firm and executive data directly to your internal database. Includes 10,000 contact updates per quarter across 3,400 active investment banks and 34,000 investment bankers.

Market Intelligence
Stay up-to-date with competitor investments to ensure you aren’t missing deals
Understand what your competitors are actively investing in and explore new markets with our intuitive database, with one-click access to your search history and notifications for new private equity deals.

Deal Sourcing
Evaluate portfolio company holding durations to find new acquisition opportunities
Filter by investment date to find portfolio companies ripe for exit.

Market Intelligence
Quickly map an industry and potential competitor activity
Save hours of research by instantly mapping the companies in an industry with just a few keywords.
Explore the M&A Research Database
Learn more about our powerful relational platform, with tools that expedite your search and comprehensive accuracy across 34 million data points.
Targeted investment bank data and more
Our database features 127,000 key executives across 16,000 firms and 33,000 funds in the M&A industry, and more than 1.3 million private companies.
Easy and intuitive platform
Beyond comprehensive data, we've created cutting-edge features that are built specifically for private equity investors.

Executive Recruiting
Build an executive talent network to lead your portfolio companies
Connect with senior leadership at private equity-owned portfolio companies, filtered by industry and location.

Network with top executives at private equity firms and investment banks
Connect with leaders at private equity firms and investment banks.

Sort firms and companies by region to connect at home or when you travel
Identify firms you haven't connected with locally and better plan business trips and conference strategies.

Deal Sourcing
Discover private companies that fit your investment criteria
Identify privately owned companies that may be ideal targets for your proprietary business development efforts.
Recent articles for Private Equity Investors
How investors use Private Equity Info for deal flow, market insights and more
Learn how private equity firms use Private Equity Info to enhance deal sourcing, monitor industry trends and build recruiting networks.