Tools that expedite your search
Platform Features
Target the companies, firms, key executives and transactions that are driving mergers & acquisitions and shaping industries. Learn about our intuitive M&A research database and watch demo videos of our time-saving tools.
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Build, manage and download lists of targeted M&A contacts with an intuitive user experience and advanced filtering & sorting tools.
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Exact Executive
Quickly identify the right private equity decision-maker for your deal.
Save hours of research by instantly mapping the companies in an industry with just a few keywords.
Target companies quickly with standard industry code filters.

LinkedIn Profiles
Connect to key executives through LinkedIn.

Desktop & Mobile Experience
Use Private Equity Info on any device.

Learn why M&A professionals love our easy-to-use interface.
"This is really an excellent tool and very user friendly. The search tools provided exactly the kind of simple user interface that we needed to find qualified buyers for our clients. "
"We really like the Auto-Search tool. We see the value in the results and it saves us a lot of research time."