M&A Research Database

Comprehensive and accurate M&A data

Connect with 127,000 key executives across 16,000 firms and 33,000 funds in the M&A industry, plus more than 1.3 million private companies. 

Robust data for the entire M&A ecosystem 

Access data solutions for bankers, investors, consultants, recruiters and business owners.  

Comprehensive accuracy across 34M data points

Our in-house team of researchers continuously updates 15 critical M&A datasets, from private equity firms and portfolio companies to investment banks, and more.

Connect with the right executives

Find and follow key players, with up-to-date contact information and LinkedIn profiles.

Private Equity Firms & Portfolio Companies

Filter private equity firms by industry, investment criteria, industries of interest and portfolio composition.


5,000 private equity firms, including contact information, acquisition criteria, investment preferences by industry and geography, and more.


72,000 private equity executives, including contact information, bio, and related portfolio companies.


17,500 private equity funds, including current and historical assets, investment criteria, number of investors in each fund, and registered location.

Portfolio Companies

121,000 portfolio companies, including business description, acquisition history, and contact information.

Portfolio Company Executives

55,000 portfolio company executives, including contact information.

Investment Banks

Identify investment banks and intermediaries across the entire middle market.


4,900 investment banks, including firm details, typical deal size, and contact information.


60,000 investment bank executives, including contact information and bio.


13,300 transactions that include the related investment bank or intermediary.

Private & Public Companies

Search by keyword to explore private and publicly traded companies.

Private Companies

1,180,000 private companies, including business description, industry code, location and employee count.

Public Companies

6,000 public companies, including business profiles, SIC code, exchange and ticker symbols, and contact information. 

Public Company Executives

6,500 public company executives, including name and title.


Beyond comprehensive data, you need the right tools and assistance to expedite your search.


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Additional Data

Access additional M&A information that can help you throughout your process.


Senior Lenders

Find new sources of debt financing for your M&A deal.


Mezzanine Lenders

Find new sources of junior, subordinated debt.


M&A Law Firms

Search the database for law firms involved in M&A deals.


Valuation Firms

Connect with relevant firms that provide business valuations.



Find regionally-focused investment partners that can support select deals. Includes 1,200 executives.


Hedge Funds

Filter and sort a comprehensive list of SEC-registered hedge funds, 22,000 executives and 16,250 private funds.


Real Estate Investment Firms

A comprehensive directory of institutional real estate investment firms and 22,000 executives.

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How we source our data

Private Equity Info has been perfecting the process of data collection for its proprietary M&A database since 2005, with a team of  full-time researchers that deliver updates on 34 million datapoints.


See what M&A professionals have to say about the quality of our data.

"I've found Private Equity Info to be a great source of deal leads. It has already led to 3 deals in the first month of using the service."

Commercial Lender

"The first search I did generated a buyer who is probably the best target for a new assignment. The annual subscription paid for itself." 

M&A professional